Getting to know … Cindy Relyea

Tell me about your job. Why do you love what you do?
My job consists of many different things. I am mostly with self-contained classes for seven or eight periods a day. These classes are usually small enough that I can build relationships with the students.
I am always thinking: What else can I do for my children? I have purchased everything from work boots to toiletries for those who are in need. My familiarity with the curriculum and skills needed for Regents exams are beneficial. I encourage the students to use the strategies we have taught them, and I also provide test accommodations and IEP modifications to those who need them.
I have the best job in the world. When you see in a child’s eyes that they finally get it, it is the best feeling in the world. I LOVE my job and I do not see me doing anything else.
How did you get involved in the union?
I joined the union in 1996, the year I was hired, and have been involved ever since. I have seen over the years our executive members working hard and taking care of us. I would volunteer now and again but I was raising five children of my own. As my youngest entered college, it was my turn to step up and do my part to help. I wanted to run for a small role but decided to run for union secretary because the previous secretary was retiring. In 2019, I ran and became WSUT&SRP union secretary and I still am to this day. I am also the new membership liaison, SRP BLT member, SRP sick bank, SRP PD member, SRP PD schoolwide member and SRP grievance chair. I attend the NYSUT SRP Leadership Conferences and have been to the Capitol in Albany for SRP Lobby Day.
Tell me, how do you make a difference?
I make a difference by building trust and relationships with the students and by demonstrating that I care. I will always be their go-to person and a positive role model in their lives. The children I work with know that I will do anything to get them to the right answer, but I will not give it directly to them. The main thing is to watch them succeed and know that I had a part in their success. That always makes me smile.
I just started my 28th year at Sullivan West School; I see myself nowhere else. It is an amazing place to work.