To Our

Happy New Year! I am so proud of what we accomplished together last year.
Melinda Person giving a speech on protecting kids on social media

New York became the first state in the nation to enact legislation to combat addictive social media feeds and protect kids online.

Melinda Person giving a speech on protecting kids on social media

New York became the first state in the nation to enact legislation to combat addictive social media feeds and protect kids online.

And now, as we welcome 2025, in a time when the challenges we face are complex and evolving, I want to reconnect with the basics of what unions do and why they matter so deeply.

Unions are about people. NYSUT’s battles are, and always will be, for our members and the people they serve.

We fight to ensure classrooms and school hallways are safe for students and teachers, whether that’s through increased funding, new workplace violence protections, state toileting standards, cellphone and social media safeguards, or fixes for unreasonable classroom heat.

Your local bargaining team pushes to make sure you and your families have the healthcare options you need, the time off you deserve, and the resources that allow you to do your jobs well.

We are relentless in growing our membership, because it is how we make our collective voice on these issues loud and strong enough to win.

And it is my hope that among our union family, we can also experience the mental, social and emotional benefits of being part of something that is bigger than ourselves.

Each of you shares our core values in different ways — whether by attending a union meeting, mentoring a new colleague, or simply sharing your story about why unions matter — and I thank you, because each of those daily actions makes a difference.

A new year brings both excitement and unknowns, but I encourage you to find grounding in the unchanging truth that NYSUT is here to fight with you.

In solidarity,
Melinda signature