[ Your ERS Pension ]

Your NYSLRS service credit


ervice credit is a major factor in your New York State and Local Retirement System pension benefit. You earn service credit for your paid employment with a public employer in New York state. For NYSLRS members whose employment is based on a school year, your service credit is calculated differently so it’s important to understand how this applies in your situation. And if you have past service or military service, you may be able to request additional service credit.

Calculating service credit

Your service credit is based on the number of days you work, which your employer reports to NYSLRS.

If you work full-time, you receive one year of service per school year—even if you only work 10 months of the year. Usually, a 10-month school year is at least 180 days. However, a full academic year can range from 170 to 200 days depending on your employer.

If you work part-time, your service credit is pro-rated.

  • School district and BOCES employees, and NYS schools for the deaf and blind teachers: Number of days worked ÷ 180 days
  • College employees: Number of days worked ÷ 170 days
  • Institutional teachers: Number of days worked ÷ 200 days
For more information, read the New York Retirement News blog post, “How School Employees Earn NYSLRS Service Credit” at bit.ly/school-employees-service-credit.

Requesting additional service

You may be eligible for additional service credit if you worked for a participating employer before joining NYSLRS, worked for a public employer that later participated in NYSLRS, or served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

In most cases, you have to pay for the additional service. But because service credit is a factor in the calculation of your retirement benefits, purchasing the additional service credit will usually increase your pension. You must submit your request before retirement, but you should do it as early in your career as possible —the sooner you purchase your credit, the less it will generally cost. Retirement Online, bit.ly/RO-sign-in, is the fastest and most convenient way to submit your request.

To learn more, visit the Get Credit for All Your Public Service webpage bit.ly/requesting-service-credit.

Thomas P. DiNapoli headshot
In every issue, State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, administrator of the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), provides information on the retirement benefits received by many NYSUT SRPs and support staff. If you are a NYSLRS member with a question of general interest, email united@nysut.org.
For more information, read the New York Retirement News blog post, “How School Employees Earn NYSLRS Service Credit” at bit.ly/school-employees-service-credit.

Requesting additional service

You may be eligible for additional service credit if you worked for a participating employer before joining NYSLRS, worked for a public employer that later participated in NYSLRS, or served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

In most cases, you have to pay for the additional service. But because service credit is a factor in the calculation of your retirement benefits, purchasing the additional service credit will usually increase your pension. You must submit your request before retirement, but you should do it as early in your career as possible —the sooner you purchase your credit, the less it will generally cost. Retirement Online, bit.ly/RO-sign-in, is the fastest and most convenient way to submit your request.

To learn more, visit the Get Credit for All Your Public Service webpage bit.ly/requesting-service-credit.

headshot of Thomas DiNapoli

In every issue, State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, administrator of the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), provides information on the retirement benefits received by many NYSUT SRPs and support staff. If you are a NYSLRS member with a question of general interest, email united@nysut.org.