Remembering your ‘Why’
Rebecca Grella
It’s important for students to see diversity in success stories that come from the same place they are coming from. The teachers I had growing up were amazing, but very few looked like me. I look around now and I see many more Latino educators and feel a sense of pride because together we have all been part of adding new voices to education.
Coming back to Brentwood was like coming back home. While I love discussing literature with my students, I would be lying if I said it was my strength. My true strengths lie in the connections I can make with my students, not in teaching them how to write a well-structured essay or analyze literature. While I can do these things well, I consider them a bonus to the magic that is already happening when the door closes.
On my hardest days in the classroom, I try and remember my why: to be the teacher I needed when I was younger. I did not need my teachers to only stick to the curriculum, I needed for them to be empathetic and understand that at the end of the day, I was just a child trying to find my way. The reality is that teaching is more than just content, it’s about helping our students navigate life’s ups and downs the best we can. We may not always feel it, but each day we stand in front of that room we have the opportunity to change their lives for the better. The instant gratification is great, but the moment you run into a former student at a supermarket, on a random day, years after graduation, and they tell you how grateful they are for what seemed to you like the tiniest thing; you remember why you do this and it reignites your passion.
Each and every day I hope to be that change. I think of the teacher I would hope is standing in front of my own children on their worst days and I strive to be that person.