[ retirees in action ]

Retirees rally at Committee of 100

NYSUT Union For Life logo

YSUT’s “daytime army” of retiree activists were out in force for the Committee of 100 lobby day at the state Capitol in Albany this March. Scores of retired unionists met with lawmakers to speak about issues important to NYSUT members such as APPR reform, pension tier equity and fully funding Foundation Aid. Later in the day they lent their voices at a spirited noontime Fix Tier Six rally against the majestic backdrop of the Million Dollar Staircase.

Chanting “we won’t quit till we Fix Tier 6!” and other pro-change slogans, retirees helped underscore the need to make Tiers 5 and 6 equitable with earlier tiers so that the profession can continue to recruit and retain newer educators.

Florence McCue and Roni O’Connor sitting at table with fingers interlocked
El-Wise Noisette
From left, ED 51-53 At-Large Director Florence McCue and Roni O’Connor, president of RC 15/16, at a Committee of 100 briefing session.
Mike and Louisa Eiermann and Kate Hughes smiling side by side with Fix Tier Six flyers in hands
kara smith
RC 21 Co-Presidents Mike and Louisa Eiermann and Kate Hughes, center, RC 21, traveled to Albany for Committee of 100.
Will Spreter and Carol Blackburn speaking at table during meeting
El-Wise Noisette
RC 8 members Will Spreter and Carol Blackburn highlight the union’s legislative concerns during a lawmaker meeting.
Seth Cohen smiling holding Fix Tier 6 union strong poster
kara smith
Seth Cohen, RC 10, was one of hundreds of activists who called on lawmakers to Fix Tier 6 during a NYSUT rally on the steps of the Million Dollar Staircase.


RC 10 | May 9 • Ruth Shippee: Ruth.Shippee@nysut.org
Christ the King Center, Greenwich, N.Y.

RC 12 | May 16 • Sheryl Baker Delano: Sheryl.Delano@nysut.org
Terrace at the Waters Edge, Glenville, N.Y.

RC 43 | May 20 • Miriam Hanan: Miriam.Hanan@nysut.org
The Florida Hotel Conference Center, Orlando, Fla.

RC 1/2/3/44 | May 21 • Janet Goddard: Janet.Goddard@nysut.org
Buffalo Marriot Niagara, Amherst, N.Y.

RC 9 | May 23 • Ruth Shippee: Ruth.Shippee@nysut.org
Watertown Elks #496, Watertown, N.Y.


NYSUT Retiree Services consultants are resources for retired members, retiree councils and in-service locals on NYSUT retiree matters.

Janet Goddard, RC 1, 2, 3, 44

Louise Ortman, RC 4, 46

Peter Randazzo, RC 5, 6

Anne Marie Voutsinas, RC 7, 8

Ruth Shippee, RC 9, 10

Mark Padgett, RC 11, 45

Sheryl Baker Delano, RC 12, 13

Lynn O’Donnell, RC 14, 15/16

Claire Zatorski, RC 17, 18, 19

James Kinnier, RC 20, 21, 22, 23

Miriam Hanan, RC 43