To Our

About this time last year, I made a promise.

NYSUT President Melinda Person addresses a crowd at a rally

NYSUT President Melinda Person speaks at a rally in Hauppague to oppose proposed budget cuts.

NYSUT President Melinda Person addresses a crowd at a rally
NYSUT President Melinda Person speaks at a rally in Hauppague to oppose proposed budget cuts.
I said we’d grow the strength of NYSUT’s voice as we fight to support schools where students and educators can thrive and to ensure our members’ professions are enticing and sustainable career choices.

I’m proud to say we’re making progress toward this end.

NYSUT was successful in this year’s state budget fights after you, our members, devoted your time, energy and resources to reject proposed cuts to school funding.

In just the past few months, NYSUT officers visited more than 100 schools across the state and we heard from hundreds more. Thousands of you shared the great things that are happening in New York schools and warned lawmakers of the devastating consequences that limiting resources would have on staff and students. Thanks to your advocacy, the worst of that plan was avoided, and Foundation Aid will be $430 million more than the governor proposed.

We fought to prevent the closure of SUNY Downstate Hospital and to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in additional support for SUNY and CUNY universities and community colleges.

We also clinched a massive victory — the biggest win for pension reform in 20 years — in our campaign to Fix Tier 6. The result of your calls, emails, rallies and marches this year was a change that will give every Tier 6 member a larger pension check, every month, for life.

A budget that prioritizes schools and union members is a budget that is good for New York, because the work each of you do is critically important. It is in meaningful service to our communities and our country.

We see that clearly through Zachary Arenz, our 2024 New York State Teacher of the Year, who is transforming the lives of students and families in Rochester through the power of music, intentional relationships, and deep restorative practices.

Together, our union protects and supports that work. We’re not nearly done fighting in the halls of power in Albany and Washington. And I can’t wait to see what we accomplish next.

In solidarity,
Melinda signature