[ our srps ]

Nov. 19 is New York State SRP Recognition Day

SRPs rise to the challenge infographic

ince 2007, the third Tuesday in November has been set aside to recognize those professionals who are often in the background, but whose work allows schools to run — custodial and maintenance workers, food service personnel, transportation staff, teacher aides and teaching assistants, technical staff, clerical staff and many more.

SRP Recognition Day, celebrated this year on Nov. 19, is the direct result of years of advocacy by volunteer lobbyists and NYSUT staff. The day is a great way to acknowledge the contributions SRPs make in helping to educate the whole student.

“This year’s theme is ‘SRPs Rise to the Challenge: Our Work Matters,’” said NYSUT Second Vice President Ron Gross, whose office coordinates SRP concerns for the union. “The work our SRPs do contributes so much to a successful educational experience for all students.”

Whether your SRP unit decides to create its own celebration, to work collaboratively with your affiliated teacher unit, and/or to work with your district and parent teacher association, visit nysut.org/srpday for celebration ideas and to order your celebration kit. Nov. 12 is the deadline to order materials, including buttons for SRPs and stickers for teachers to wear in support of SRPs.

Upcoming SSR Leadership Conference announcement with details on dates and speakers for attendees to prepare
Back by popular demand this year is the SRP Recognition Day contest. Let us know how you celebrated. We will share your ideas with others on nysut.org/srp. All locals that email photos and information about their event will be entered to win one of two, two-for-one admissions to the 2025 SRP Leadership Conference (an approximate $380 value). Details are included in the celebration packet.

SRP Leadership Conference

The 46th annual NYSUT SRP Leadership Conference will be held Oct. 25–27, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza: Desmond Hotel in Albany.

Professional development and networking opportunities abound at this annual conference, with dozens of workshops and sessions from which to choose. SRP unit presidents should consider sponsoring emerging or veteran SRP leaders to attend this inspiring conference. Visit nysut.org/srpconference for details about the conference and to register your SRP team. (Requires leader-level login). Registration deadline is Sept. 25.